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Showing posts from September, 2015


October 2015, Week 1 ラジオ英会話

ラジオ英会話 第 1 週 Games with Balls


英語を習おうと思った時に、英会話カフェという選択肢もあります。私は 2 年以上通っていますが、その中で感じたことを書いてみます。

September 2015, Week 2 ラジオ英会話

ラジオ英会話 第 2 週 Overcoming Problems

English lesson in Sep. 5, 2015

メモ。 complain about to protest someone or something protest:主張する,断言する nag saying again again, to pester someone about someone or something → a nagger:うるさい人 ex ) She nagged him to buy her a new coat. chores task, things to do impolite not polite or courteous polite:showing good manners toward others definitely yes の強調。absolutely に近い。 awful bad, terrible forgetful 忘れっぽい人 動作についてのいろいろ turn on,turn down take off, take out hang up let out pick up

September 2015, Week 1 ラジオ英会話

Dinner Guest invite over invite someone to your house ex ) Come over and have a drink. 家に来て一杯飲もう。 talk ear off to talk to someone endlessly mad at 腹を立てる How did this all come about? どうしてそうなった? have a falling-out a disagreement 仲違い, 言い争い I heard about that. それは聞いたことがあります。 Tough Meeting Don't ask. You do not want know. Was it that bad? そんなにひどかったですか? not see eye to eye to agree about someone or something with someone else not see eye to eye, 同じ方向性ではない、同じ向きではないというイメージでしょうか。 Three Is a Crowd Three Is a Crowd. Two is company, three is a crowd. 多人数になればなるほどまとまらなくなるという諺。 get something off one's chest Say something that one has wanted to say for a long time 胸の内を明かす Fair enough. I agree. ごもっとも Fair enough. は口語でもよく使われるみたいですね。 Busybody by the Rear Window busybody an expression used to introduce an opinion or suggestion おせっかい That's his business. (Mind your own business) do not be so interested in what other people are doing 彼の勝手だから、口出しすべきではない