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Showing posts from April, 2015


English Conversation Literacy, April 2015

Sneeze・くしゃみ Achoo! (us), Atishoo! (uk) Bless you. -> Thank you. -> Excuse me. Bless you. は God bless you. の略。 (例文) Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! -> Are you all right? --> Yeah, it's nothing. (なんでもないよ) --> It's my hay fever. (花粉症なんです) --> It's just my allergies acting up. (アレルギー) --> It's the dust. (埃です・訪問中は避ける) --> Maybe I'm catching something. (なにかのかかり始めかも) Take an elevator・エレベーターに乗る 黙って乗るのが基本ルール。 目があった時は、軽くスマイル、 Hi. というあいさつ。 (例文) Which floor? / What floor? -> Five, please. 押してもらったら... --> Thanks. / Thank you. 上 / 下ですか? Going up / down? 【すでに押してあった場合】 You got it already. Thanks. 【頼みたい場合】 Could you press five,  please. 【閉じかけたエレベーター】 Hold the elevator, please! 【道案内】 There's an elevator over there. That'll taka you up to the ticket gate. To go to 30th floor, please take Elevator 2 down the hallway. 【階層】 アメリカ 1階 = first floor イギリス 1階 = ground floor 2階 = first floor イギリスが統治していた国は、

Old News Is New Again, Apr

Piano that survived atomic bombing returns home. be owned by 所蔵、所有される。 ground zero the exact place where a nuclear bomb explodes about 1.5 kilometers from ground zero move out 転出、出て行く He moved out when he was 18. district 地区 Malala wins World'S CHildren's Prize children's rights 子供の権利 took part in 加わる、貢献する

Getting an ID Photo

turn out 結果が出る It didn't turn out very well. I can't live with this! 耐えられない。 I can't live with you. ridiculous crazy or silly harf-closed 半目

English lesson in April. 14, 2015

Can I have a word with you? (I'd like a word with you.) -> I need to speak to you briefly in private. 手短な話であること。 Oh, blimy! -> surprise or annoyance Jolly Good! go on -> next, continue up to par I'm just not feeling up to par today.

Evaluating a Movie

I didn't think much of it. I wasn't so impressed with it. It wasn't so impressive. It didn't make much of an impact on me. How did you find the last movie by Tarantino? Well, I don't think much of it. I wouldn't know. informal I have strong opinions but I wouldn't know how to express them in dance.  If I said something that offended one of my students and they didn't tell me, I wouldn't know.

Sitting on the Runway

Don't ask! How did we do in the bridge tournament? Don't ask! for hours I've been waiting for hours. to say the least they were upset to say the least. Who wouldn't be? 誰でもそうなる run out Our food is running out.